浅香 遊/Yuu Asaka

浅香 遊/Yuu Asaka



Mechanical Puzzles, Fixed Ideas and the Wonder of Form

Artist: Yuu Asaka
Birthplace: Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan
Education: BA Visual Arts, Akita University of Art (Akita, Japan), Class of 2018-19



Taking Advantage of Unspoken Rules
I enjoy turning motifs into parody. Almost like an improv artist, I rattle off all sorts of ideas in response to a particular motif.
I first started making jigsaw puzzles as a class assignment during my third year. Ever since then, I have been making mechanical puzzles which challenge unconscious assumptions. People form unspoken rules and understandings about shapes without even realizing it. My puzzles play on these unspoken rules in surprising and unpredictable ways.
2018年8月には、アメリカ・カリフォルニア州のサンディエゴで開催された「Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition 2018」(世界パズルデザインコンペティション)に「Jigsaw Puzzle 29」を出品して入賞。その後、カナダ在住のユーチューバーがこのパズルを解く過程を動画投稿したことで注目を集め、世界各地から問い合わせがきています。面白いのは、自分のパズルに対して世界中の人が共通した驚き方をしてくれたこと。日本でも海外でも、多くの人が『新しいパズルだ』と思ってくれたのはうれしいことでした。

In the Global Spotlight
In August 2018, my puzzle “Jigsaw Puzzle 29” won Jury Honorable Mention at the “Nob Yoshigahara Puzzle Design Competition 2018” in San Diego, California. After the competition, a Canadian YouTuber posted a video of himself trying to solve this puzzle, and I started receiving enquiries from all over the world. It was interesting that everyone in these different places reacted to my puzzle with the same kind of surprise and wonder. I was so happy to see that, not only in Japan but in other countries as well, people were recognizing this as a new and original kind of puzzle.
秋田公立美術大学卒業・修了研究作品展2019「カモステイク」には、パズル5作品を「PLAY TIME プレイタイム」として出品し、学長賞を受賞。いわゆる「王道」ではない自分が受賞したことには戸惑いもありましたが、先生方に極力アドバイスをもらわず、自分自身の指針に従って作業を続けてきたことを評価してもらったのではないかと思っています。放って置いてもらえたビジュアルアーツ専攻の環境が良かったのかもしれません。

Thinking Outside the Box
I recently won the President’s Award at Akita University of Art’s 2019 Graduation Works Exhibition, for a series of five puzzles entitled “PLAY TIME”. Winning awards like these was by no means easy, but I think the critics appreciated how I stuck to my own guiding principles, rather than simply depending on advice from my instructors. I think I benefitted greatly from the hands-off approach of the Visual Arts program.
I’m not the kind of person who is satisfied with just making something that looks good. First an idea comes, then I try to select a physical shape, and if necessary change any preexisting configurations, in a way that best matches that idea. This kind of upside-down thinking is how I typically approach my work.
水色のアクリルが美しい「Jigsaw Puzzle 29」。このパズルを手始めに卒業まで5種類のパズルを制作し、現在は量産に向けて調整中。いずれも13.6cm×13.6cm、アクリル製。
“Jigsaw Puzzle 29”. I made five versions between the beginning of work and the graduation exhibition, and plans for mass production are currently in the works. Each version measures 13.6cm x 13.6cm, and is made from pale blue acrylic.

「Jigsaw 19」

オレンジ色の波型「Wave 7」は、形に対する解のギャップが大きくなるように意図
The orange-colored “Wave 7” was designed to produce a large gap between the expected shape and the actual solution.

「Ice 9」は「Jigsaw Puzzle 29」が比較的簡単に解かれてしまった悔しさから制作
“Ice 9” was created out of my disappointment with the relative simplicity of “Jigsaw Puzzle 29”.

「Wave 7」の応用で作った「Wave 5」。数字はいずれもピースの数
“Wave 5” was created applying the concepts from “Wave 7”. The numbers in these titles refer to the number of pieces in each puzzle.

